Monday 13 July 2020

Make most of your Mornings

Are you one of those people who wakes up late, realising that they are late for school, and spend the rest of the morning all grumpy and moody? Well, it happens. I have spent a lot of mornings waking up late, getting ready in a rush and usually forgetting some important project that I had to submit, at home. I tried to change, but then again, old habits die hard!

I always wandered, isn't there any way, by which I can wake up early? What should I do if I wake up early? Is there really any point in waking up early?
This post is all about answering these questions, with easy but realistic ways to be a better, healthier person, and to make most of your mornings.

Firstly, there are a lot of benefits of waking up early. It not only makes you feel fresher, but also gives you tons of time, to catch up on things that you long to do. It is proven to be the time when your brain can be the most creative. No one would want to waste such precious hours, now would they?

Now, to tackling the real task- actually waking up early...
It is easy. Trust me. It just takes time. 
I'll cut the long talk short- do these three things for a week or two, and you'll be ever so greatful that you stumbled upon this post.

Step 1. Wake up early
Yes, that's right. While most people think that sleeping early should be the first step, this step is what I'd call a shortcut. If you wake up earlier than usual, you are sure to be tired before your usual bedtime, and you'll sleep earlier. Once that's done, you can easily get into the habit of sleeping and waking up early!

As far as the snooze battle is concerned, there are plenty of mobile applications that give you specific tasks, that you'll have to do in order to stop the blaring alarm.
Or, you could simply keep your clock or phone away from your bed, perhaps in the corner of your room, so that  you will have to walk to stop your alarm. Either way, it will make you get rid of the morning laziness, and prevent the snooze battles

Step 2. Don't nap
If you want to be successful at step 1, DON'T NAP! If you provide your body with a revival period, you'll end up sleeping later than usual. So skip the siesta hours, and make use of that time to persue a hobby.

Step 3. Avoid these
If you want to make sure that your body's natural clock should work properly, avoid
  • Caffeine drinks during early morning hours and at night
  • Looking at a blue screen 30 minutes before bed or right after waking up
Both these things make your body produce excessive amounts of adrenaline, which will not let your body function at a normal rate. It basically means a disrupted sleep cycle, which means goodbye productive mornings.

Once you have accomplished waking up early, here are some things that you should do-

  1. Plan your day - you have no idea the magic a to-do list can do. It gives you an idea of all the things that are to be done, and helps you divide your time among them rationaly.
  2. Meditate- believe me, meditation helps you focus and concentrate, and is an excellent stress reliever.
  3. Excercise - a bit of excercise everyday can do wonders. It's not necessary to do some strenous workout right in the morning; you could simply go for a walk, or do some yoga. But make sure you exercise for atleast 15 minutes in the morning.
  4. Read- you might not be fond of reading books, but that's alright. Just read the newspaper headlines for 10 minutes. It'll make you the smart one in class, and will help you in writing English as well.
  5. Catch up on work - if you have a project you need to add finishing touches to, or a worksheet to be done, do it while your brain is energized.
After doing these activities, which, I suggest, you should do daily; you may wanna scroll through your mail or social media accounts. Though it can wait till the afternoon, if you still want to go online, make sure you stay away from negative posts- they could ruin a perfect morning.

Go ahead and follow this guide, and remember, no need to be a perfectionist and follow this word-to-word. There may be days when you weren't able to do anything at all, but it's alright. DON'T STRESS! 

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Make most of your Mornings

Are you one of those people who wakes up late, realising that they are late for school, and spend the rest of the morning all grumpy and moo...